
I just ate a meal that is killing me and I'll call the mortician after the plumber gets here to snake the toilet!

So you thought you NEEDED absolutely NEEDED to just 'feel normal' and 'eat out like everyone else' and that Indian buffet was too good to pass up. Well the truth is you most likely will survive - another truth is you may wish you don't.  But now that the tastiest meal in the world (and it was at least, for the first solid 10 minutes of shoveling) is rumbling your body and you're feeling a headache that you swear is trying to push your eyeballs out of your skull at least to get you a part in that local theatre production of Casablanca (who doesn't love a good Peter Lorre joke). Now what? 

Well your options are:
  1.  To ride it out (about 2 to 3 days depending on your body's work and what you choose to eat following said bad meal)
  2.Your following meals should be simple -not boring- just simple.  Hold off on making the home curry as a chaser to the toilet bowl curry.
  3. Be proactive and get some anti-oxidants in you or something with whole wheat or other high fiber to help it move faster (yeah, all these things help you poop they also get things back in order) things that help in the immediate are red wine, coffee, a berry smoothie or berry juice.  If you ate a large amount of cheese or something to that effect I would recommend not taking in a lot of citrus as this will do the opposite. (ever drink orange juice while eating a breakfast cereal and then getting that instant sick tongue feeling?...uh as a kid of course... totally not as an adult because what 30 year old would do that? Not me. Well that instant shocking taste is you using your tongue as a chemistry set to create msg/other glutamate charged reaction. And you don't need that now on top of it all in your stomach.)

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